MAJ Dwayne Williams, USA

After graduating from the Army Command and General Staff College in June 2001, Major Williams reported to the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, the Pentagon, where he served as the Joint Officer Distribution Manager under the Director for Military Personnel Management.

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SGT Tamara C. Thurman, USA

As Saundra Woolen talks about her daughter, Tamara, she begins in the past tense, then stops. “She was such a sweet . . . is such a sweet girl,” she says.

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9/11 Pentagon Memorial Heroes SSG Jimmie I. Holley, USA, Retired

Born August 1, 1947, Jimmie Holley was educated at J.D. Thompson High School in Alexandria City, Alabama.

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Eddie A. Dillard

We see Eddie Dillard’s smile and his dapper dress style. We hear his distinctive laughter and his passionate discussions about current events. These things we hear and see are in our dreams and memories now.

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